5 Blogs About Civil Law

Blogs About Civil Law

Not everyone studying law has an interest in criminal law, and if you prefer civil law, you should look over some of the best blogs about civil law. Unlike criminal law, which focuses on criminal acts like murder and rape, civil law focuses on cases that do not violate any criminal regulations. It may include foreclosures, bankruptcy fillings, malpractice suits and defective product cases. The best blogs will give you a better understanding of many of the aspects of civil law.

Civil Procedure & Federal Courts Blog

One of the top blogs about civil law is something called the Civil Procedure & Federal Courts Blog. As part of the law professors blog network, it features articles and content created by professors working in some of the nation’s top law schools. Some of the articles include extensive research and links to cases taking place right now, but others are more technical in nature and are better suited for students and legal professionals.

Electronic Discovery Law

As the legal field introduces new forms of technology, lawyers practicing civil law must keep abreast of those changes. Electronic Discovery Law is a blog that focuses on cases involving some type of electronic discover. Discovery refers to the evidence that lawyers find and use in cases. This blog is the only one that talks about e-discovery and makes note of how e-discovery procedures will change the way lawyers try cases. Many articles include links to references and other sites to help you learn more.

On the Civil Side

On the Civil Side is one of the best blogs about civil law because it appeals to professors, lawyers and law students. Created by the University of North Carolina School of Government, it offers as much information as the university’s criminal blog does. Though you might think that it will only focus on cases taking place in North Carolina, it includes detailed articles on important civil cases in other states too. The blog deals with topics relating to family courts, including child support and spousal support, but it also offers information on real estate, medical malpractice and other aspects of civil law.

Yellow Shoe Civil Law Blog

The Yellow Shoe Civil Law Blog has a simple layout that lets you view a short abstract on the home page before clicking a link to read the whole article. Though the blog only launched in 2007, it contains some useful information for anyone with an interest in civil law. It covers topics like new changes to civil law programs, blogs that law school students and librarians will love and tips on picking a law program. The blog also includes details on civil cases in state courts or federal court.


A married couple started this blog back in 2002 as a way to share the cases they saw go before the Supreme Court, but the blog eventually became so popular that the couple added dozens of other writers to the site. While the blog does feature articles on criminal cases, including appeals and death penalty cases that go before the Supreme Court, it also includes info on civil cases that the SCOTUS oversees.

Whether you love reading about the law, study civil law in college or law school, work as a lawyer or teach the law, there are a handful of great blogs you should read. The best blogs about civil law cover everything from medical malpractice cases to Supreme Court cases.